Commercial Heifers In the Arkansas Bull Sale

March 22, 2025 • 12:00 noon

Contact Luke Mobley for more information!

Bred Heifers:

Hereford Females Arkansas Lot 60A – 60E: 5 Head – Commercial Hereford Bred Heifers:
AI Bred 11/14/24 to Hereford Bull, Pasture exposed 12/10/24-1/20/24
Pasture exposed to BB 11B Perfecto 122L (Lot 31, in sale). Matching set of fall females, with most of them having the same sire.

Red Angus Red Baldy Heifers Arkansas Lot 61A – 61D: 4 Head – Super Red Baldy and Red Bred Heifers:
Sired by Red Angus bull and out of Red Angus X Hereford X Santa Gertrudis Females.
AI Bred 1/12/25 to calving ease Angus Bull Heart Network AAA20488998, Pasture exposed to Angus bull. Due to calf this fall.

Open Heifers:

Hereford X Brahman Heifers Arkansas Lot 62A – 62B: 2 Head – Hereford X Brahman Open Heifers 
Yearling heifers out of a Bonebrake Hereford bull. Dams are larger framed cows, which will make these heifers a good choice for replacement females. Hereford colored heifer is 3/4 Hereford-1/4 Brahman and the brindle heifer is 1/2 Hereford-1/2 Brahman.


2023 Commercial Females that sold!

Open Heifers:

Lot 65A – 65J: 10 Head: Angus Influenced Open Heifers:
Yearling heifers ready for spring breeding, Great disposition.

Lot 66A – 66E: 5 Head: Limousin Purebred Open Heifers:
Yearling heifers ready for spring breeding, Great disposition.
Selling as commercial, can be registered for an additional cost.

Bred Heifers:

Bred Heifers Commercial Red Angus Lot 67A – 67J: 10 Head: Super Reds & Red Baldy Bred Heifers: 
Hereford X Brangus,  Coming 2 year olds, Heavy bed heifers calving now, some will be cow/calf pairs by sale time, Service sire calving ease Hereford bull (43545766) a son of C Harland TOO,

Red Baldy Bred Heifers

2023 Commercial Females that sold!

Open Commercial Heifers:

Brahman Heifer Arkansas Lot 75A- 75D: 4 Head – Brahman Purebred Heifers:  Sired by MR HEART BC 1/18 (992609), 15 to 16 months old ready for spring breeding, great disposition.
Consigned by: A-B Cattle Co.

Tiger Stripe Heifer Arkansas Lot 76A – 76D: 4 Head – Tiger Stripe  F1X Heifers: Sired by Hereford bull 43893583 and out of Brahman females, 15 to 16 months old ready for spring breeding, great disposition.
Consigned by: A-B Cattle Co.

Lot 77A – 77D: 4 Head – Charolais X Red Angus Open Heifers: F1 cross females, DOB Feb to March 2022
Open heifer ready for the bull of your choice.
Consigned by: Spurlock Farms

87A - 78C Red Baldy Simmental x Hereford

78A – 78C Red Baldy Simmental x Hereford

 Lot 78A – 78C: 3 Head – Red Baldy Simmental X Hereford Open Heifers: F1 cross females, 50% Simmental  50% Hereford, DOB 2/21/22 to 3/7/22
These females are maternally bred and built to last! Cow power from their Line 1 Hereford mothers to their stand out purebred Simmental sire. We thought that breeding extremely functional, high carcass merit Hereford females to an extra growthy, sound built Simmental sire would make sought after powerhouse females and we believe it worked out great.  This is a set of red baldy heifers that are big, stout, easy keeping, and ready to breed to their new owners, bull of choice.
Consigned by: Esser Herefords

79A - 79C Red Baldy Hereford X ANgus

79A – 79C Red Baldy Hereford X ANgus

 Lot 79A – 79 C: 3 Head – Hereford x Angus Open Heifers: 75% Hereford  25% Angus, DOB 2/21/22 to 3/7/22
Brockle faced red powerhouse females best explains these girls. These heifers are out of an outstanding set of easy keeping F1 black baldy cows and backed by a Line 1 Hereford bull that is bred to make females that last and fat steers that grade on the rail. This set of females are bred to raise cattle that last in the  real world and raise progeny that demand  premiums when slaughtered.
Consigned by: Esser Herefords

80A - 80F Black Baldy Hereford X Angus

80A – 80F Black Baldy Hereford X Angus

80A - 80F Black Baldy Angus X Hereford

80A – 80F Black Baldy Angus X Hereford

 Lot 80A – 80F: 6 Head – Black Baldy F1 Hereford x Angus Open Heifers: 50% Hereford 50% angus, DOB 2/21/22 to 3/7/22
F1 females are as good as it gets when talking about cow power and longevity. This young set of females are all out of first calf Line 1 hereford females and have been bred to raise pounds and a carcass that demands a premium when hanging on the rail. Udder quality and soundness are a mainstay for a long lasting productive female. We believe this is an extremely high quality set of females that can be used in many different operations across the nation.
Consigned by: Esser Herefords

80A _ 80 Hereford Heifers

80A – 80D Hereford Heifers

 Lot 81A- 81D: 4 Head – Hereford Open Heifers: Purebred, DOB 3/1/2022,
Talk about a standout set of Line 1 Hereford commercial females, They possess all the credentials to make outstanding mother cows, while having top of the breed carcass traits bred into them for generations, These are the type of females that will make you money whether you breed them to build your herd or choose to breed them to sell feeder calves and produce premium demanding fat cattle.

Lot 82A – 82E: 5 Head – Hereford Open Heifers: Purebred, DOB 3/1/2022, 4 head sired by XP L1 Domino 104040 and 1 head sired by JA L1 Domino 014H, Line one female that have generation bred into them from Jamison Ranch, Several dams of distinctions behind these females.
Consigned by: Ivy Farms LLC

Bred Heifers:

Lot 83A – 83B: 2 Head – Black Baldy F1 Hereford x Angus Bred Heifers: DOB 3/2021, Sired by SAV Angus bulls and out of Line 1 Hereford females, Bred to low birth weight Angus bull due to calve in the next 30 days.

2022 Commercial Females that sold!

Bred Commercial Heifers:

Lot 96F: 3- Red Baldy Bred Heifers: F1 Red Angus X Hereford, Sired by UPS Domino 3027 son calving ease bull with outstanding maternal and $ indexing EPD’s, Out of purebred Red Angus females, Exposed 11/17/21 to RR Domino 942 a calving ease bull with great maternal, Due to start calving September as 2 year olds.

Star 5 Santa Gertrudis Bred Heifers

Star 5 Santa Gertrudis Bred Heifers

 Lot 97F: 3 – Star 5 Santa Gertrudis Bred Heifers: Reg # 20205736, DOB April 2020, Sired by a Hereford bull and out of Santa Gertrudis cows, Due to start calving June 1, 2022.
Bred to MR HEART BC, ABBA No. 1007126, A low birth weight red Brahman bull, A son of VL Rojo Designer 78/5, a bull that goes back to the Designer line of cattle at Santa Elena Ranch.

Open Commercial Heifers:

Brahman Heifers Arkansas

Lot 98F: 6 – Brahman Purebred Heifers:  Sired by V8 Brahman bull and out of Calion Brahman females, 15 to 16 months old ready for spring breeding, great disposition.

Brahman F1 Tiger striped Females ArkansasLot 99F: 5 –  Tiger Stripe  F1X Heifers: Sired by V8 Brahman bull and out of Cooper Hereford cows, 15 to 16 months old ready for spring breeding, great disposition.

Sold 2021 Bred Commercial Heifers:

Red Angus Purebred Commercial Bred Heifers

Red Angus Purebred Commercial Bred Heifers

Lot 80F:  5 – Red Angus Bred Heifers: Purebred commercial females sired by Red Angus Bulls, DOB 9/10/19 to 11/21/19
A.I. bred 12/9/20 to WES Declared F93 (4078694) a son of HXC Declaration

Hereford Heifers ArkansasLot 81F: 4 – Hereford Bred Heifers: Purebred Hereford, Sired by (ECR HW 215 Domino 6001 AHA: 43750256) and (BOYD 31Z Blueprint 6153 AHA: 43764491), DOB 8/28/19 to 10/28/19,
A.I. 12/15/20 to CMF 3005 Epic 348E ET AHA: 43876003, Exposed 12/20/20 / current, to BB 2504 Sensation 312G ET AHA 44130724,

Open Commercial Heifers

Lot 82F: 5 – Simangus Open Heifers: (2 Baldies & 3 solid black) 1/2 Simmental / 1/2 Commercial Angus, Sired by T-T Payload C14 (3100923), DOB 12/15/19 to 1/15/20,
These heifers were picked out of my best replacements, All should be very good uddered and make easy keeping cows.

Contact Luke Mobley for information on heifers

 Commercial Females Sold March 28, 2019 

Commercial Red Angus Bred Heifer

Commercial Red Angus with the black gene.

Commercial Red Angus with the black gene.

  Lot 84F: 2 Head: 50% Red Angus 25% Angus 25% Hereford, DOB 10/2018
Sired by Osborn Maximum 213D, AI Bred 12-28-19
Solid black heifers out of a high growth Red Angus Bull and bred to an ultra low birth weight Red Angus Bull.

Black Baldies Hereford X Angus Bred Heifers

Black Baldie Heifers Arkansas  Lot 85F: 5 Head: 1/2 Hereford – 1/2 Angus, DOB 10/2018 to 11/2018
Sired by Hereford bull PLL Good Time Charley AHA P43712184
Bred AI To Stevenson Turning Point AAA 18434747, then exposed to Foster Sensation 906E AAA 19157665
Consigned by: Speer Angus

Simmental X Angus Bred Heifers

 Lot 86F: 12 Head:  DOB 9/26/18
Sired By SimAngus & Angus bulls
Bred AI to top bull that are designed to preform in the feed lot to bring the premiums.
GAR Sunbeam, GAR Reliant, GAR Storm
Consigned by: M&K Cattle Co.

Charolais X Angus Bred Heifers

  Lot 87F: 8 Head: Sired by Angus bulls, DOB 10/1/18
Good set of Charolais cross heifers bred to top preforming bulls.
GAR Sunbeam, GAR Reliant, GAR Storm
Consigned by: M&K Cattle Co.

Commercial Angus Open Heifers

Angus Commercial Open Heifers 1 Lot 88F: 15 Head: DOB 3/2019 to 4/2019, Angus base females, sired by Angus bulls

 9 head: All Black
6 Head: Black Motley face
Consigned By: WAC

Red Angus X Santa Gertrudis Open Heifers

Red Angus Heifers Arkansas

 Lot 89F: 10 Head: 3/4 Red Angus – 1/4 Santa Gertrudis, DOB 2/2019 to 4/2019
Sired by Beiber & Ludvigson Red Angus bulls
Consigned By: Beechfork Ranch

Red Angus X Santa Gertrudis Open Heifers

Lot 90F: 5 Head: 1/2 Red Angus – 1/2 Santa Gertrudis, DOB 2/2019 to 4/2019
Sired by Beiber & Ludvigson Red Angus bulls
Consigned By: Beechfork Ranch

Angus X Hereford X Santa Gertrudis Open Heifers

Angus X Santa Gertrudis Heifers


 Lot 91F: 15 Head: 1/2 Angus – 1/4 Hereford – 1/4 Santa Gertrudis, DOB 2/2019 to 4/2019
Sired by Black Angus bull, mother of these heifers are out of Santa Gertrudis cows and Oleen Brothers Hereford bulls.
Consigned By: Beechfork Ranch

Super Black Baldies / Motley, Open Heifers

Super Baldies Heifers Arkansas 2JJ

 Lot 92F: 20 Head: 1/2 Hereford heifers, DOB 3/2019 to 4/2019
Sired by Ledbetter Horned Hereford bull out of Brangus type cows
Consigned by: 2JJ Ranch

 Commercial Females Sold March 23, 2019 

Hereford X Red Angus Commercial Heifers!

20 head – Baldies open and ready for the bull of your choice.

Red Angus X Hereford Commercial Heifers

30 head – Reds open and ready for the bull of your choice.

Angus Commercial Open Heifers

6 head open and ready for the bull of your choice. Sired by Mohnen Substantial, SAV Registry 5633 & BBPB Angus Valley 4237

Red Angus Commercial Pairs

12 head – Commercial Red Angus 1st calf pairs with 1/8 Brahman
Calf at side sired by registered Red Angus bulls.

Check back for updated 2019 commercial females information!

 Commercial Females Sold March 24, 2018 

25 BWF Heifers that will be AI to Red Angus Calving Ease Bull and cleaned up with Red Angus Bulls for Fall 2018 calves.
Heifers are out of F1 Brahman X Hereford cows and Express Ranch Angus Bulls. They will Be AI bred to Red Angus bulls from ABS Fusion #1 Calving ease bull in ABS BW -3.8, ACC .92, Big Beef Calving ease bull in ABS BW -6.6, ACC .41,
This set of heifers are as fancy as they come.

Bred Heifers BWF Super baldies Arkansas Bull Sale

Bred Commercial heifers Arkansas Bull Sale

35 head of open Red Angus commercial heifers
That will be open and ready for the bulls of your choice heifers are right out of the hart of our program.
Sired by Ludvigson, Bieber and Pieper Red Angus Bulls.
Red Angus Commercial Heifers Arkansas 1

Red Angus open heifers commercial females Arkansas

15 head of open Red Angus X Santa Gertrudis heifers
Open heifers ready for the bulls of your choice
Santa Gertrudis X Red Angus Heifer Arkansas

20 head of open Red Angus X Hereford F1 heifers Premium Red Baldy!
that will be open and ready to breed to the bull of your choice these heifers are again out of the hart or our program they will be
Sired by Line One Hereford bull.

Firs set of Premium Red Baldy to be sold in Arkansas!

Premium Red Baldy Arkansas Bull Sale

Premium Red Baldy Program Arkansas Bull Sale
Premium Red Baldy Program Info.

Premium Red Baldy Logo

All heifers have been vaccinated with COVEXIN 8, VIRA SHIELD 6+SOMNUS, MULTIMIN, wormed with VALBAZN and bred heifers wormed with SAFE GARD.

Contact Luke Mobley for information on heifers

Registered Females

Arkansas Bull Sale Heifers sold in 2017

Registered & Commercial Heifers
Bred & open heifers ready for the bull of you choice.

Registered Simmental Bred Heifer

NB SHOAL B13, ASA 2962014, DOB 8/28/14, BW 80, POLLED, Black,
CE 8.3, BW 2.1, WW 58.5, YW 82.9, API 111.7, TI 59.4
AI Bred to (NB Cosmo, ASA 2060400) 8/29/16 • Due 6/8/17

Commercial Charolais F-1’s Open Heifers

4 • Charolais X Red Angus true F-1’s out of a Redemption Y1334 son.
2 • Charolais X Hereford true F-1’s out of a Bonebrake S109 son.
All 6 are “mello yellow” in color and match in age and size. Heifers were all born in March 2016 and should weigh around 750 lbs by sale day, Will be up to date on shots, CHV and pelvic measured by sale day. These heifers have had no creep and are running on hot fescue pasture. They are now being bucket fed 5 lbs per head per day and are already cycling. The mothers of these heifers have perfect udders and are problem free cows.
Charolais X Heifers Arkansas 1Charolais x Heifers Arkansas 2Charolais x Heifers Arkansas 3Charolais X Heifers Arkansas 4Charolais X Heifers Arkansas 5

Commercial Angus & BWF Bred Heifers

They will come right out of the heart of Beechfork Ranch fall calving heifers!
Heifers out of Express Ranch Angus bulls
Fall calving heifers with some size, will start calving around November 1st 2017
Bread to low birth wt. Red Angus bulls

Heifers Arkansas Bull Sale

Heifer Arkansas Bull Sale


More information coming soon please check back!

2016 Sale Heifers SOLD

50 Commercial heifers

Charolais X Red Angus heifers sired by Bieber Red Angus Ranch bulls
Charolais X Angus heifers sired by Express Ranches Angus bulls
Commercial Angus heifers sired by Express Ranches Angus bulls

DOB: February and March 2015
750 lbs. average weight
Calfhood vaccinated
Open and ready for the bull of your choice

Charolais X Heifers

(Click on pictures to enlarge)

Charolais X Angus Heifers Arkansas Bull Sale

Commercial Heihers Arkansas Bull Sale

Arkansas Bull Sale HeifersArkansas Bull Sale Charolais X Heifers

Arkansas Bull Sale Charolais X Red Angus Heifers

Charolais X Red Angus Heifers

 Commercial Angus Heifers

Commercial Angus heifers sired by Express Ranches Angus bulls
BOB: February and March 2015
750 lbs. average weight
Calfhood vaccinated
Open and ready for the bull of your choice

Angus Heifer Arkansas Bull Sale

Angus Heifers Arkansas Bull Sale

Angus Heifers comercial Arkansas Bull Sale