Red Angus Bulls consigned to the Arkansas Spring Multi-Breed Bull Sale

March 22, 2025 • 12:00 noon

Contact Luke Mobley for information on Red Angus bulls


Lot 39: Osborn Platinum 603L
BW 72, Adj WW 609
This bull will add fertility, maternal qualities, pounds and very positive carcass traits to your calf crops. He stacks top 22% WW and top 13% YW growth EPDs with top 14% HPG fertility EPD and top 45% Marb, top 17% CW and top 17% REA carcass EPDs. This bull has a frame to hang a ton of red meat. He had $8,500 and $10,500 paternal brothers sell at the Cross Diamond Cattle Company Sale, Nebraska in December 2024. This 19 month old bull is big, stout and ready to go to your pasture and breed your females.

Lot 40: Osborn Platinum 604L
BW 76, Adj WW 528
This bull is a near replica of the 603L bull in a slightly more moderate package. He brings a top 20% HPG, a top 43% Stay, a top 22% Marb and a top 46% REA EPDs that put him in the top 42% ProS and top 27% GM indexes. His moderate size makes for a wide long body with tons of muscle expression. His paternal brothers in the December 2025 Cross Diamond Cattle Company Sale, Nebraska were $8,500 and $10,500. Take this age advantaged 19 month old bull home and get your females bred.

7AR100 Bieber Jump Start J137: Sire Reference

7AR100 Bieber Jump Start J137: Sire Reference

 Lot 41: Osborn Jumpstart 409M
BW 76, Adj WW 776
These Bieber Jumpstart 137J sons are some of the most popular animals in Red Angus circles this year and with good reason. This stout bull is a heifer bull that will absolutely add pounds to your calf crop, too. He has 8 EPDs in the top third of the breed and his individual performance of 70# BW to 776 AWW is proof of the EPDs.

Lot 42: Osborn Masterplan 412M
BW 74, Adj WW 665
Heifer bull here, -4.5 BW top 10% EPD with a 69# actual BW. He is a paternal grandson of the very popular Bieber Energize F121 bull. His maternal EPDs say he will produce replacement females if you wish. Top 8% Milk, top 14% Stay and top 20% HB.

Lot 43: DIX Peyweight 108M
BW 72, Adj WW 638
108M is a calving ease Red Angus bull with added growth and outstanding maternal EPDs. Sired by Andras Patweight G148, with Epic and Angle on the dam side, he is an excellent choice for producing top-quality replacement females. With top 3% rankings for HB, 1% for Milk, and 2% for Stay, he offers exceptional maternal genetics and long-term productivity.

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2024 Bull that sold!


 Lot 46: DIX Foreman 939K
DOB 10/10/22
5L Foreman son out of the Andras Rue BO39 donor that stems from Andras Fusion, Calving ease bull with growth maternal & carcass values, Top 17% ProS, 22% HB, 12% Marb.

Red Angus Bull Arkansas 993K Lot 47: DIX Excellence 993K
DOB 10/24/22
Calving ease bull sired by Excellence with maternal, Top 18% HB, 20% CED, 8% BW, 4% HPG, Keep his daughters

Lot 48: DIX Top Executive 913K
DOB 11/13/22
Calving ease Bruiser grandson out of an Exclusive daughter with growth and carcass traits, Top 12% Marb.

 RREDS PATHFINDER F811 sire of Lot 49

RREDS PATHFINDER F811 sire of Lot 49

Red Angus Bull Arkansas 2782K Lot 49: VETO Pathfinder 2782K
DOB 10/17/22
Pathfinder son that stems from the Red Lazy MC cow family, Growth & carcass bull Top 5% YG, 1% REA.

Lot 50: VETO Guardian 1K33
DOB 11/23/22
Night Train grandson out of a Dakota Rambler daughter.

Spring Bulls

 LSF SRR PRESIDENT 8177F sire of Lots 51 & 52

LSF SRR PRESIDENT 8177F sire of Lots 51 & 52

Red Angus Bull Arkansas 205L Lot 51: DIX President 205L
DOB 1/28/23
Calving ease President 8177F son with production maternal & carcass values, Top 5% ProS, 10% HB, 8% Milk, 11% Marb.

Red Angus Bull Arkansas 213L Lot 52: DIX President 213L
DOB 2/16/23
President 8177F son with growth maternal and carcass, Top 18% ProS & HB, 20% WW & Marb., 6% Milk

Red Angus Bull Arkansas 233L Lot 53: DIX Executive Order 233L
DOB 2/28/23
Calving ease Bruiser grandson out of a Connealy Comrade daughter with excellent growth EPD’s.


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2023 Bull that sold!

5L Blazin Steel 6120-81C sire of Lot 40

5L Blazin Steel 6120-81C sire of Lot 35

 Lot 35: Osborn Blazin Steel 117J: 4473143, DOB 2/6/21
BW 64, Adj WW 610
AI Sired heifer bull, Top 18% PorS, 8% HB, Calving ease bull with high fertility high maternal traits, Two year old to cover more cows.
Consigned by: Osborn Red Angus

Andras Fusion E130: Sire of Lot 41

Andras Fusion E130: Sire of Lot 36

 Lot 36: Osborn Fusion 138J: 4473199, DOB 4/19/21
BW 74, Adj WW 677
Two year old bull with calving ease, Top 34% CED and a punch of growth, 108 WW ratio, very complete with balanced EPD’s.
Consigned by: Osborn Red Angus

Andras Bourne E078: Sire Reference

Andras Bourne E078: Sire of Lots 37 – 39

 Lot 37:Osborn Bourne 124J: 4473163, DOB 4/30/21
BW 69, Adj WW 512
Heifer bull Top 24% CED, 26% BW, 12% HB index, 13% Milk, 21%ME, Calving ease low maintenance high maternal bull.
Consigned by: Osborn Red Angus

Lot 38: Osborn Bourne 125J: 4473167, DOB 3/2/21
BW 78, Adj WW 619
Heifer bull top 34%CED, 11% HB index, 9% MILK, 27% ME, 18% Stay, An easy fleshing, calving ease, good milk, high fertility two year old bull.
Consigned by: Osborn Red Angus

Lot39: Osborn Bourne 134J: 4473219, DOB 5/15/21
BW 71, Adj WW 733
Heifer bull with extra benefit of growth, 733 Lbs. Adj weaning weight, Top 20% HB, 32% CED, 2% MILK, 24% HPG, cover a lot of cow / heifers with this 2 year old bull.
Consigned by: Osborn Red Angus

WFL-Merlin-018A sire of Lots

WFL-Merlin-018A sire of Lots 40- 42

 Lot 40: Dix Merlin 932J: 4607059, DOB 9/22/21
BW 70, Adj WW 669
A Merlin son that puts calving ease (34% CE), low birth weight (24% BW), and growth (6% WW) in one package, Great structure and carcass also.
Consigned by: Osborn Red Angus

Lot41: Dix Merlin 950J: 4607063, DOB 9/23/21
BW 65, Adj WW 601
Merlin son to use on heifers without sacrificing growth, Top 28% BW, 18% WW 29% YW, 2% MILK, Easy keeping kind with a Top 30% ME EPD’s.
Consigned by: Dixon Red Angus

Lot 42: Dix Merlin 939J: 4607073, DOB 9/26/21
BW 71, Adj WW 614
You can’t the balance of this Merlin 018A son, Top 35% CED 26% BW, 27% WW, 28% YW, 2% MILK, 25% Marb., 18% REA, He checks all the boxes!
Consigned by: Dixon Red Angus

LSF MEW X-FACTOR 6693D: Sire of Lot 48

LSF MEW X-FACTOR 6693D: Sire of Lot 43

 Lot 43: Dix Main Factor 933J: 4607075, DOB 9/27/21
BW 65, Adj WW 615
This X-Factor 6693D son has numbers and pedigree to advance any herd, Heifer bull without giving up growth, excellent maternal EPD’s & outstanding carcass traits.
Consigned by: Dixon Red Angus

Lot 44: Dix Chief Executive 913J: 4607085, DOB 10/18/21
BW 72, Adj WW 674
How wide and thick do you like them? This bull has the looks and numbers to back it up, Top 34% CED, 21% WW, 25% YW, 10% Marb.
Consigned by: Dixon Red Angus

Lot 45: Dix Dominant 408J: 4607087, DOB 10/28/21
BW 75, Adj WW 724
Explosive growth in the bull, 75 Lbs. birth weight to 724 Lbs. Adj weaning weight, Add pounds to your calf crop, Top 33% Marb., 35% REA, make those pounds even more valuable.
Consigned by: Dixon Red Angus

Bieber CL StockMarket E119: sire of Lot 51

Bieber CL StockMarket E119: sire of Lot 46

 Lot 46: WES STOCKMAR J854545051, DOB 9/6/21
BW 62, Adj WW 555, Adj YW 911
Stockmarket son, Calving ease bull with superb growth carcass & maternal EPD’s, Top 2% Marb., 6% ProS & GM, 11% YW, 18% WW,  Dam is now a 13 year old with a 2022 calf at side, A tribute to her sire Mission Statement P27.
Consigned by: Spreutels Farm Red Angus

 Lot 47: WES NEW COMMAND J99 4545337, 9/9/21
BW 70, Adj WW 571, Adj YW 958
Great combination bull with production carcass & maternal, Top Top 8% HPG, 10% ProS, 15% GM & Marb., 25% HB & Milk, Calving ease bull.
Consigned by: Spreutels Farm Red Angus

WFL-Merlin-018A sire of Lots

WFL-Merlin-018A sire of Lot 48

 Lot 48: WES MERLIN J954545237, DOB 9/9/21
BW 84, Adj WW 442, Adj YW 874
Stacked pedigree bull sired by Merlin and out of a Profitbuilder daughter with great growth and carcass EPD’s, Top 6% YW, 8% WW 12% GM Fat & REA.
Consigned by: Spreutels Farm Red Angus



 Lot 49: WES STATISTIC J864545137, DOB 9/5/21
BW 68, Adj WW 536, Adj YW 857
Calving ease bull sired by Statistician and out of a Better Answer daughter, Great maternal & production bull, Top 15% ProS, 17% HB
Consigned by: Spreutels Farm Red Angus

 LOT 50: WES TYSON LAD J594545245, DOB 8/30/21
BW 72, Adj WW 514, Adj YW 924
Growth bull with good carcass EPD’s, stemming form a Bieber Stormer daughter, Top 2% WW & YW, 12% CW & REA
Consigned by: Spreutels Farm Red Angus

LOT 51: WES DOMAIN J934545091, DOB 9/7/21
BW 60, Adj WW 487, Adj YW 835
Calving ease bull safe to use on heifers with a CED of +14 and -2.5 BW EPD’s, Sired by Domain
Consigned by: Spreutels Farm Red Angus

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Premium Red Baldy Program Info.

2022 Bull that sold!

 Lot 62: Osborn Dominant 607H

Lot 62: Osborn Dominant 607H

 Lot 62: Osborn Dominant 607H: 4423969, DOB 10/27/20
BW 76, Adj WW 698,
A “Blow and Go” bull with moderate BW, 103 WW Ratio with a -1.0 BW EPD. Top 2% Milk, 4% YG, 23% REA.

Lot 63: Osborn Fusion 612H

Lot 63: Osborn Fusion 612H

 Lot 63: Osborn Fusion 612H: 4424025, DOB 11/8/20
BW 68, Adj WW 633
Heifer safe bull with plenty of power, Top 6% CED, 16% BW and 103 WW ratio, If you are looking for excellent phenotype with plenty of growth here he is.

Bieber CL StockMarket sire of Lot 64

Bieber CL StockMarket sire of Lot 64

 Lot 64: Osborn Stockmarket 630H: 4424017, DOB 10/17/2020.
BW 64,
Bieber CL Stockmarket E119 son with great numbers and individual performance, Top 11% ProS & Marb, 13% Herd Builder, He is a heifer bull, top 29% CED, and is still top 28% WW and top 34% YW EPDs. He posted a 113 WW ratio, Category 1B.

Lot 65: Osborn Pacesetter 621H

Lot 65: Osborn Pacesetter 621H

 Lot 65: Osborn Pacesetter 621H: 4424011, DOB 11/7/20
BW 85 Adj WW 667
Looking for a power bull? Top 28% WW, 24% YW, and he will add carcass value Top 11% Marb, 32% CW

Lot 66: Osborn Dominant 624H

Lot 66: Osborn Dominant 624H

 Lot 66: Osborn Dominant 624H: 4423991, DOB 11/5/20
BW 87, Adj WW 595
Negative BW -1.1 bull with Top 30% WW & 27% YW EPD’s, This bull will add pounds while keeping BW moderate.

Lot 67: Osborn Fusion 626H

Lot 67: Osborn Fusion 626H

 Lot 67: Osborn Fusion 626H: 4423977, DOB 10/26/20
BW 70, Adj WW 623,
Heifer bull Top 15% CED, -2.5 BW, 101 WW ratio, Very maternal bull Top 23% HB, 24% Milk, 15% CEM, 24% Stay, Keep his females.

5LBlazinSteel6120-81C sire of Lot 68

5L Blazin Steel 6120-81C sire of Lot 68

 Lot 68: Osborn Blazin Steel 632H

Lot 68: Osborn Blazin Steel 632H

 Lot 68: Osborn Blazin Steel 632H: 4423981, DOB 10/18/20
BW 72
Heifer Bull, Top 27% CED and -3.3 BW, Low maintenance easy fleshing bull, Top 23% ProS and 9% HB indexes = high maternal.

 Lot 69: Dix Forefront 385H

Lot 69: Dix Forefront 385H

 Lot 69: Dix Forefront 385H: 4372275, DOB 10/01/20
BW 77, Adj WW 704
Exceptionally balanced, AI bull with moderate birth weight and an awesome growth spread of -1.6 BW to 101 YW. Improve carcass with this bull also.



 Lot 70: Dix Finished Product 391H

Lot 70: Dix Finished Product 391H

 Lot 70: Dix Finished Product 391H: 4372285, DOB 10/3/20
BW 67, Adj WW 645
Heifer bull, Top 12% CED, 7% BW, He will produce keeper females Top 21% Stay, 15% HB, Easy keeper Top 22% ME.

Bieber Atomic C218 sire of Lot 71

Bieber Atomic C218 sire of Lot 71


Lot 71: Dix Sub Atomic 394H

Lot 71: Dix Sub Atomic 394H

Lot 71: Dix Sub Atomic 394H: 4372291, DOB 9/24/20
BW 60, Adj WW 627
Heifer bull deluxe, Top 8% CED, 17% BW and lots of growth Top 36% WW, 33% YW, he will put you in the grid with 27% Marb. & 31% CW.

Lot 72: Veto Forefront OH90

Lot 72: Veto Forefront OH90

 Lot 72: Veto Forefront OH90: 4513839, DOB
BW 70, Adj WW 700
Negative BW bull with Top 19% ProS, Easy keeping kind Top 28% ME and a great carcass improving bull with Top 23% Marb., 13% YG, 16% REA.



 Lot 73: WES Statistic H59

Lot 73: WES Statistic H59

 Lot 73: WES Statistic H59: 4441483, DOB 8/31/20
BW 66, Adj WW 550, Adj YW 908
Calving ease bull with high carcass EPD’s, CED 13, Marb. 0.45 @ 39%, REA 0.21 @ 26%, ProS 115 @ 24%,

HXC DECLARATION 5504C sire of Lot 74

HXC DECLARATION 5504C sire of Lot 74

 Lot 74: WES Declared H61: 4383029, DOB 9/3/20
BW 74, Adj WW 467, Adj YW 830
Sired by HXC Declaration 5504C noted for growth & carcass traits, CED 10, ProS 96 @ 53%, Milk 18

WFL-Merlin-018A sire of Lot 75

WFL-Merlin-018A sire of Lot 75

 Lot 75: WES Merlin H80

Lot 75: WES Merlin H80

 Lot 75: WES Merlin H80: 4383139, DOB 9/6/20
BW 78, Adj WW 587, Adj YW 847
Sired by WFL Merlin 0189 a popular sire at Genex, Growth & carcass bull with maternal, Top 4% WW & YW, 6% Fat, 7% ADG, 10% REA, 17% GM, 18% Milk.

BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 sire of Lot 90

BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 sire of Lot 76

Lot 76: WES Remanded H62

Lot 76: WES Remanded H62

 Lot 76: WES Remanded H62: 4441461, DOB 8/28/20
BW 68, Adj WW 607, Adj YW 927
Sired by Brown JYJ Redemption and stems back to Bachman Commander on the bottom, Moderated calving ease with tremendous growth and carcass, BW EPD of -1.5, Top 2% ADG, 4% YW, 8% WW, 11% CW, 14% GM, 32% ProS, Adj. weaning weight over 600# ratio 111.

2021 Bull that sold!

Lot 50: DIX Bourne Silver 343G

Lot 57: DIX Bourne Silver 343G

 Lot 57: DIX Bourne Silver 343G: 4264663, DOB 10/3/19
BW 76, Adj WW 685
Bourne Silver son out of the Dutchess family on the bottom, Outstanding growth & production, Top 7% WW & YW, 22% ProS & HBDIX BOURNE READY



 Lot 58: DIX BOURNE READY 346G: 4264639, DOB 9/25/19
BW 62, Adj WW 666,
Sired by Bourne 117-48A, Calving ease bull with maternal and marbling, Top 4% Heifer Preg., 9% Marbling & Milk, 19% BW, Should make good replacement females.

Lot 52: DIX Bourne 347G

Lot 59: DIX Bourne 347G

 Lot 59: DIX BOURNE 347G: 4264653, DOB 9/25/19
BW 71, Adj WW 684
Sired by Bourne 117-48A and out of a King Rob daughter, Top 3% Heif Preg, 9% Milk, Should make great females.

Lot 53: DIX Sleeping Easy 342G

Lot 60: DIX Sleeping Easy 342G

 Lot 60: DIX Sleeping Easy 342G: 4264657, DOB 10/14/19
BW 62, Adj WW 601
Prestigious son out of a Black Genes daughter, Calving ease bull Top 11% CED, 28% BW.

Lot 54: DIX Thunder 341G

Lot 61: DIX Thunder 341G

 Lot 61: DIX Thunder 341G: 4264665, DOB 11/17/19
BW 73, Adj WW 696
Maximum son out of the Dynette family on the bottom, Top 10% Milk.

Lot 62: DIX Maximum 344G: 4264649, DOB 10/14/19
BW 60, Adj WW 606
Sired by Maximum, Top 9% Milk, Look at that spread 60 lbs BW and 606 lbs WW.

 Lot 63: WES Donner G12: 4117762, DOB 3/2/19
BW 70, Adj WW 481, Adj YW 844
Sired by WFL Merlin 018A, ProS 137 is 19% breed average, HB 16% breed average, Marbling .56 is 17%, Calving ease 14 for calving ease bull.

LSF MEW Platinum 566C: Sire of Lot 57

LSF MEW Platinum 566C: Sire of Lot 64

 Lot 64: WES Plato G19: 4117734, DOB 3/7/19
BW 74, Adj WW 541, Adj YW 840
ProS 141 for Top 13%, Gridmaster 78 for 2%, CED is 11.

Lot 65: WES Rocky G22: 4117676, DOB 3/7/19
BW 78, Adj WW 439, Adj YW 897
Sire is producer of many prime carcasses, CED of 11, ProS 128, .73 Marb Top 3% of breed.

Lot 66: WES M State G37: 4117756, DOB 3/25/19
BW 84, Adj YW 962
By Wes M State B97 a son of LJC Mission Statement P27.  His dam traces back to  Fritz Golden Oscar 8006.  BW on G37 is 84 lbs. ratio 104 and Adj YW is 962 with a ratio of 107.

Lot 67: Osborn Let’s Roll 304G: 4193094, DOB 10/8/19
BW 74, Adj WW 619
Sired by Bieber Let’s Roll a son of Rollin Deep and out of a Buf Creek Burney daughter, Lots of growth and maternal in this bull, Top 9% Milk, 16% Stay, 23% WW & YW.

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Premium Red Baldy Program Info.

Red Angus Arkansas

Feeder Calf Certification Program (FCCP): The Feeder Calf Certification Program is the beef industry’s most-experienced age, source and genetic process verified program.  Since 1994 the FCCP yellow tag has been recognized as a symbol of guaranteed Red Angus genetics and a trusted source for feeders and packers filling ‘Angus’ product lines.  FCCP enrollment is free and the only cost is the 99¢ dangle tag or $3 EID-dangle tag combination.

Red Angus Bulls Sold March 28, 2020 

Lot 42: Osborn Black Genes 222F

Lot 42: Osborn Black Genes 222F

Lot 42: Osborn Black Genes 222F: RAA 4011654, DOB 11/6/18
BW 77, Adj WW 509
Good growth, high milk bull out of a great udder good footed cow

Lot 43: Osborn Black Genes 211F

Lot 43: Osborn Black Genes 211F

 Lot 43: Osborn Black Genes 211F: RAA 4011656, DOB 10/26/18 Premium Red Baldy Logo
BW 78, Adj WW 583
A high maternal high growth Andras Black Genes B004 son, Dam is a daughter of the popular Larson Dory Jiba 864ET cow

Lot 44: Osborn Medal 212F

Lot 44: Osborn Medal 212F

 Lot 44: Osborn Medal 212F: RAA 4011664, DOB 10/24/18 Premium Red Baldy Logo
BW 80, Adj WW 532
High Herd Builder Index bull, above breed average growth, negative birth weight

Lot 45: Osborn Pacesetter 215F

Lot 45: Osborn Pacesetter 215F

 Lot 45: Osborn Pacesetter 215F: RAA 4011668, DOB 10/11/18 Premium Red Baldy Logo
BW 74, Adj WW 547
Heifer bull out of the Brown Pacesetter Y7170 the Select Sires markets

Lot 46: Osborn Titonka 221F

Lot 46: Osborn Titonka 221F

 Lot 46: Osborn Titonka 221F: RAA 4011680, DOB 10/10/18
A good negative birth weight son of the Ludvigson bull LSF RHO Titonka Z721

Lot 47: Osborn MR Hugh 303F

Lot 47: Osborn MR Hugh 303F

 Lot 47: Osborn MR Hugh 303F: RAA 4082132, DOB 12/24/18 Premium Red Baldy Logo
BW 80, Adj WW 702, Adj YW
Solid herd builder & Grid Master bull with whopping weaning weights

Lot 48: Osborn Medal 327F

Lot 48: Osborn Medal 327F

 Lot 48: Osborn Medal 327F: RAA 4082136, DOB 11/12/18
BW 64, Adj WW 488
heifer bull, Top 20% of breed for herdbuilder Index & -1.7 BW EPD

Lot 49: Osborn Dix New Direction 328F

Lot 49: Osborn Dix New Direction 328F

Lot 49: Osborn Dix New Direction 328F: RAA 4093678, DOB 10/14/18
BW 83, Adj WW 630
Dark red awesome phenotype son of Genex Stud Andras New Direction R240

Red Angus Bull Arkansas 213FB Lot 50: Osborn Titonka 213F: RAA 4011650, RAA 10/15/18
BW 75, Adj WW 643
Heifer bull with good growth, plenty of MILK EPD and out of a great Bloxy cow

Red Angus Bulls Sold March 25, 2019 

Lot 72: Black Genes 205E

Lot 72: Black Genes 205E

Lot 72: Black Genes 205E, RAA 3855949, DOB 10/12/17
BW 60, Adj WW 508,
Heifer bull, Top 17% CED, 23% BW, High maternal bull that should make nice replacement heifers.

Lot 73: IN Focus 206E

Lot 73: IN Focus 206E

Lot 73: IN Focus 206E, RAA 3855951, DOB 11/10/17
BW 83, Adj WW 561,
Excellent growth bull, Top 19% WW, 27% YW
Form the popular Roxie cow family in the Red Angus breed.

Lot 74: In Focus 211E

Lot 74: In Focus 211E

Lot 74: In Focus 211E, RAA 3855961, DOB 12/15/17
BW 75, Adj WW 555
Heifer bull deluxe Top 8% CED, -1.5 BW, Good female maker, Top &% Herd Builder, 7% Stay Ability.

Lot 75: New Direction 215E

Lot 75: New Direction 215E

Lot 75: New Direction 215E, RAA 3855969, DOB 10/24/17
BW 87, Adj WW 515
Dark red son of the Genex sire Andras New Direction R24D, This bull will put muscle, marbling & rib into your calves.

Lot 76: In Focus 220E

Lot 76: In Focus 220E

Lot 76: In Focus 220E, RAA 3855979, DOB 11/16/17
BW 79, Adj WW 737
High growth bull, Top 15% WW 22% YW that still has a top 39% CED

Lot 77: Osborn Prestigious 256E

Lot 77: Osborn Prestigious 256E

Lot 77: Osborn Prestigious 256E, RAA 3863445, DOB 10/21/17
BW 89, Adj WW 511
Son of the Brown AA Prestigious B5153 sire at Select Sires. Add pounds with this bull. Top 17% WW, 24% YW 27% CW

Lot 78: Osborn Prestigious 235E

Lot 78: Osborn Prestigious 235E

Lot 78: Osborn Prestigious 235E, RAA 3863463, DOB 12/15/17
BW 75 Adj WW 555
Heifer bull deluxe Top 8% CED -1.5 BW, Good female maker, Top &% Herd Builder, 7% Stay Ability.

Lot 79: Osborn Prestigious 247E

Lot 79: Osborn Prestigious 247E

Lot 79: Osborn Prestigious 247E, RAA 3863453, DOB 10/24/17
BW 68, Adj WW 488
Heifer bull for sure, Top 8% CED, 37% BW and still has Top 43% WW and will add carcass Top 31% Marb. Top 12% REA.

Lot 83: LCF Emely 9E, RAA 3880863, DOB 1/26/17


Red Angus Bulls Sold March 24, 2018 

Osborn Thunder 251D

Osborn Thunder 251D

Lot 75 – Osborn Thunder 251D, RAA # 3627299, DOB 12/12/16
BW 74, WW 594, YW 950
Should make a heifer bull top 28% of breed for CE, 26% for BW, 16% for Milk

Lot 76 – Osborn Thunder 219D RAA # 3627303, DOB 11/27/16
BW 80, WW 571, YW 974
Negative BW bull with great individual performance, 112 weaning ratio & 104 yearling ratio

Osborn New Direction 257D

Osborn New Direction 257D

Lot 77 – Osborn New Direction 257D, RAA # 3627337, DOB 10/15/16
BW 70, WW 505, YW 878
Heifer bull deluxe top 32% CED, 12% BW, built like a heifer bull use with confidence

Lot 78 – Osborn Sensation 206D, RAA # 3627349, DOB 9/9/16
BW 63, WW 504, YW 895
Ready to go heifer bull, Top 4% Herdbuilder, 9% CED, 5% BW, 1% Milk, 2% MARB, 12% Ribeye

Lot 79 – JEM Thunder 216D, RAA # 3627375, DOB 11/7/16
BW 74, WW 497, YW 853
Negative BW bull, great pedigree with Andras Thunder over Mulberry 26P

JEM Impact 207D

JEM Impact 207D

Lot 80 – JEM Impact 207D, RAA # 3627379, DOB 10/17/16
BW 72, WW 480, YW 891
Heifer bull Top 16% CED, 9% BW, 1% Milk

JEM Thunder 238D

JEM Thunder 238D

Lot 81 – JEM Thunder 238D, RAA # 3627397, DOB 11/10/16
BW 88, WW 481, YW 970
Powerful growth bull, 106 yearling ratio, add pounds to your calves

Lot 82 – JEM Impact 203D, RAA # 3627409, DOB 10/20/16
BW 56, WW 489, YW 795
Sleep at night heifer bull, 12 CED and -6.2 BW epd

For Monu Lee

For Monu Lee

Lot 83 – FOR MONU LEE, RAA # 3627635, DOB 9/16/16
BW 70, WW 525, YW 989
This bull is all about accelerated growth, 98 birth ratio, 102 weaning ratio & 105 yearling ratio

For Glacer Boy

For Glacer Boy

Lot 84 – FOR GLACER BOY, RAA # 3627623, DOB 9/21/16
BW 73, WW 519, YW 902
Add pounds at weaning with this tank bull, 101 weaning ratio

FOR DT72 Stacked

FOR DT72 Stacked

Lot 85 – FOR DT 72 Stacked, RAA # 3627607, DOB 9/21/16
BW 74, WW 526, YW 873
Solid stout made growth bull, 103 weaning ratio

Lot 86 – JEM Impact 249D, RAA # 3627411, DOB 9/13/16
BW 71, WW 500, YW 934
Heifer bull top 18% CED, 11% BW, great carcass bull top 11% Marbling, 14% yield grade, 8% ribeye

Lot 87 – Eleven Point Power Eye E6, RAA # 3734991, DOB 3/3/17
BW 66, WW 834
This is our favorite. It takes a great cow to make a good bull. This bulls Dam RL MS Addison 250 is one of our favorites.

Lot 88 – Eleven Point Takeout D3, RAA# 3735003, DOB 12/9/16
BW 68, WW 647
AI calf sired by Bieber RReds Takeout. This bull has been on fescue hay and commercial mixed feed

Lot 89 – Eleven Point Power Eye E11, RAA# 3734999, DOB 3/27/17
BW 64, WW 775
Sired by our herd bull J6 Blairs Power Eye 601B. This bull Dam was a first calf heifer we raised. We are proud of what she is producing.

Red Angus bulls qualifying to sire heifers for the Premium Red Baldy program:
Lots: 78, 80, 82, 86, 89

Premium Red Baldy Program Info.

Premium Red Baldy Logo

Arkansas Bull Sale Red Angus Bulls sold in 2017

Red Angus bulls for the 2017 sale!

Lot 71 - JEM Thunder 1505

Lot 71 – JEM Thunder 1505

Lot 71 – JEM Thunder 1505, Reg. 3484796, DOB 5/10/15, BW 83
Negative BW Thunder son, WW in top 18%, YW top 25%, MILK top 7%
Dam hails from the great Bull Hill program

Lot 72 - JEM Thunder 130C

Lot 72 – JEM Thunder 130C

Lot 72 – JEM Thunder 130C, Reg. 3525273, DOB 10-28/15, BW 78
Dark Red high growth Thunder 2082 son, Dam is a high stay ability daughter of HOBO 79E,
BW -0.6, WWR 102, ME -1

Lot 73 - JEM LEGEND 108C

Lot 73 – JEM LEGEND 108C

Lot 73 – JEM LEGEND 108C, Reg. 3525261, DOB 10/30/15, BW 69
Negative birth weight Legend X11 son, Dam is a Grand Canyon 1244G daughter from the great Bloxy cow family
Phenotypically very balanced

Lot 74 - Osborn Legend 125C

Lot 74 – Osborn Legend 125C

Lot 74 – Osborn Legend 125C, Reg. 3526968, DOB 11/14/15, BW 85
Very Balanced Legend X11 son with a little more frame, Dam is a very good Cash cow with a 102.18 MPPA, 101 WWR

Red Angus Bull Arkansas 75

Lot 75 – Osborn Legend 123C

Lot 75 – Osborn Legend 123C, Reg. 3526964, DOB 11/24/15, BW 72
Calving ease bull with CED 7, BW -1.2,

Lot 88 - C4F B18, Reg. 3605528

Lot 88 – C4F B18, Reg. 3605528

Lot 88 – C4F B18, Reg. 3605528, DOB 12/02/15, BW 65, Adj WW 724,
Sire: WEBR Night Train, DAM MF Lakota 3931
CED ??, BW -.3, WW 66, YW 99, Milk 13, ME 9,
Grid Master 48, Herd Builder 81

Red Angus Bull Sold in the 2016 Sale

WCRA Crazy Horse 115, DOB 2/25/15, BW 78,

Lot 66 – WCRA Crazy Horse 115, DOB 2/25/15, BW 78,

Great Disposition, A really stout made bull that comes in a sound and complete package. This bull comes from some of Canada's Best bloodlines.

Great Disposition, A really stout made bull that comes in a sound and complete package. This bull comes from some of Canada’s Best bloodlines.