Brangus Bulls consigned to the Arkansas Spring Multi-Breed Bull Sale
March 22, 2025 • 12:00 noon
Contact Luke Mobley for information on Brangus bulls!
Brangus / Ultrablacks
Lot 23: 301L
BW 68, Adj WW 656, Adj YW 1070
301L is a DMR Strategy 263C6 son, out of a DMR Eldorado 30B15 daughter. This calving ease bull offers added growth and excellent carcass traits. Top 15% CED & BW, Top 30% IMF, Adj WW: 656.
Lot 24: 309L
BW 79, Adj WW 1010, Adj YW 1254
Ultrablack, 309L An Extreme growth and carcass bull with an Adj WW of 1010. Sired by DMR Cash Flow 535F30, 309L ranks in the Top 15% WW and Top 20% YW EPDs.
Lot 25: 310L
BW 68, Adj WW 698, Adj YW 1113
310L A SCC Roberts Passport 409U3 son, 310L combines calving ease with growth and excellent maternal traits Top 4% Milk & TM, Top 25% BW & WW EPDs.
Lot 26: 341L
BW 78, Adj WW 600, Adj YW 996
TJM Main Event 59C10 Grandson, This bull adds maternal traits with a strong emphasis on milk production,Top 30% Milk.
2024 Bull that sold!
Lot 22: SAU 204K
DOB 2/1/22
BW 70, Adj WW 668, Adj YW 889
MC Big City son stemming from Trinity on the bottom side, Moderate calving ease bull with excellent maternal EPD’s, Should produce great replacement females.
Lot 23: SAU 228K
DOB 2/15/22
BW 78, Adj WW 726, Adj YW 837
Main Event grandson stemming from Trinity on the bottom side, Moderate calving ease bull with maternal Top 10% Milk.
Lot 24: SAU 240K
DOB 3/1/22
BW 90, Adj WW 592, Adj YW 887
DMR The Chairman grandson stemming from Trinity on the bottom side, Growth bull ready to cover those mature cows.
Red Brangus
Lot 25: 3D DMAC 21K
DOB 2/24/22
BW: 92, ADJ WW: 557, ADJ YW: 944
This Trio’s Balco Coronel son brings an exceptional phenotype backed with generations of outstanding individuals from the Red Brangus breed. He’ll put fast growing, heat tolerant calves on the ground. His moderate framed, 1000 lb recip mother calved him at 92 lbs with absolutely no problems, proving the ease of calving for which the Red Brangus cattle are known for.
2023 Bull that sold!
Lot 13: MB TORO 535J9: R10507351, DOB 4/18/21
BW 63, Adj WW 563, Adj YW 1023
Calving ease bull with excellent growth & carcass EPD’s, El TORO son out of a Salacoa 209Y2 daughter, Top 25% REA & IMF.
Lot 14: MB TORO 468J2: 10507363, DOB 3/16/21
BW 67, Adj WW 574, Adj YW 1040
EL TORO son with excellent growth & carcass, Top 15% YW & REA, 20% IMF.
Lot 15: MB Revelation 586J3: 10507354, DOB 3/16/21
BW 67, Adj WW 574, Adj YW 1040
MC Revelation 129T son out of a MC Patton 129R70 daughter, Outstanding growth & carcass bull with maternal, Top 10% WW YW & TM, 20% Heifer Preg., 25% REA.
Lot 16: MB Bottom Line 406J3: 10507345, DOB 4/10/21
BW 68, Adj WW 502, Adj YW 1066
MC Bottom Line 129E11 son out of a El Toro 23C2 daughter, Excellent carcass bull, Top 15% REA & IMF.
Lot 17: MB Banks 541J5: 10507239, DOB 4/16/21
BW 64, Adj WW 554, Adj YW 1026
Combination bull with above average EPD’s for calving ease, growth, carcass & maternal, Three D 302A grandson out of a MC John Wayne daughter.
Lot 18: SAU 106J: 10467319, DOB 2/7/21
BW 68, Adj WW 472, Adj YW 855
Calving ease bull great for use on heifers, Sired by DMR Eldorado 30B15, Top 20% CED & BW.
Lot 19: SAU 119J: 10467324, DOB 2/21/21
BW 71, Adj WW 526, ADJ YW 885
DMR Eldorado 30B15 son heifer safe with carcass value, Top 20% CED, 25% BW.
Lot 20: SAU 126J: 10467296, DOB 10/19/21
BW 76, Adj WW 516, Adj YW 854
DMR The Chairman 415A11 grandson that goes back to the Trinity Of Brinks 209525, Top 10% Milk.
Lot 21: SAU 135J: 10467308, DOB 3/6/21
BW 73, Adj WW 510, Adj YW 1002
TJM Three D 302A grandson out of a DMR Eldorado 30B15 daughter, Calving ease bull with a lot of maternal, Top 15% BW & Stay, 20% CED & Heif Preg.
Lot 22: SAU 137J: 10467267, DOB 10/12/21
BW 71, Adj WW 462, Adj YW 782
Calving ease bull sired by TJM Main Event 59C10 son.
2022 Bull that sold!
Lot 28: MB BIG TOWN 17G15: R10430560, DOB 10/11/2019,
Sired by BWCC Big Town 192B16 and out of a Three D daughter, Great combination bull with outstanding EPD’s across the board, Top 4% Heifer Preg, 10% Total Maternal, 15% WW & REA, 20% YW Milk Term & Fert.
Lot 29: MB Banks 334G3: R10430621, DOB 12/17/19
BW 67, Adj WW 560, Adj YW 980
Atlanta Of Salacoa grandson out of a Resource daughter with great carcass & growth and lots of maternal, Top Top 10% Fert Index, 15% REA & Heifer Preg., 20% WW YW IMF & Term Index.
29X: MB 99F11160H: R10478313, DOB 4/24/20
CLVR Toro grandson with good maternal traits, Top 25% Milk.
Lot 30: MB Profit 889G2: 10419509, DOB 9/16/19
BW 87, Adj WW 761, Adj YW 1235
MC Profit son and out of a Jethro daughter, Growth & Carcass bull, 761# Adj. WW, Top 15% IMF.
Lot 31: MB 75F 129H28: 10478296, DOB 5/9/20
BW 75, Adj WW 476, Adj YW 788
Clifton son out of a MC Profit daughter, Growth & Carcass bull, Top 15% WW, 20% YW REA & Term Index, 25% IMF.
Lot 32: MB Toro 000H7: 10478291, DOB 3/18/20
BW 70, Adj WW 606, Adj YW 963
CLVR EL Toro son out of a SAV Best Interest daughter, Moderate calving ease with extreme growth and great maternal & carcass, Top 1% TM, 2% WW, 3% YW, 5% Term Index, 20% REA & IMF.
Lot 32X: MB Banks 661H3: R10478323, DOB 5/08/20
Growth & maternal bull, Three D grandson, Top 10% WW & YW 15% Heifer Preg & TM, 20% TI
Lot 33: MB Toro 607H: 10478321, DOB 2/25/20
BW 77, Adj WW 452, Adj YW 825
CLVR EL Toro son, great combination bull with growth carcass & maternal, Top 15% TM, 20% WW, 25% Milk IMF Term & Heifer Preg.
Lot 34: 027H: 10446833, DOB 10/5/20
BW 67, Adj WW 620, Adj YW 980
JBM Griese 65B2 son, Calving ease with maternal & moderate growth, Top 15% Milk, 20% CED, 25% Total Maternal.
Lot 35: 044H: 10446841, DOB 10/5 20,
BW 67, Adj WW 639, Adj YW 941
Calving ease with maternal & moderate growth, Top 20% CED, Look at the spread 67# BW & 637# Adj. WW.
2022 Bull Information Coming Soon!
2021 Bull that sold!
Lot 23: SAU 907G: R10432716, DOB 1/18/19
BW 67, Adj WW 539, Adj YW 1029
Sired By Eldorado and out of a Trinity daughter, Calving ease Top 15% CEM, 20% CED, 25% BW, 30% IMF
Lot 24: SAU 914G: R10432720, DOB 1/25/19
BW 66, Adj WW 543, Adj YW 1021
Sired By Eldorado and out of a Trinity daughter, Calving ease Top 10% BW, 15% CED, 25% IMF
Lot 25: SAU 935G: R10432724, DOB 2/17/19
BW 66, Adj WW 575, Adj YW 1011
Sired by Griese 65B2, Calving ease with Maternal, Top 10% CED, 15% BW & Milk
Lot 26: SAU 937G: R10432725, DOB 2/20/19
BW 70, Adj WW 662, Adj YW 975
Sired by Griese 65B2, Calving ease with Maternal, Top 15% Milk, 25% CED
Lot 27: SAU 904G: R10432714, DOB 1/17/19
BW 71, Adj WW 577, Adj YW 1010
Sired by Louisiana Purchase, Top 30% WW & RE
Lot 28: JMP Brickhouse 55G: R10407786 , DOB 1/15/19
Brickhouse son out of a Black Rock daughter, Growth & Production bull, Top 15% WW, 20% YW & TI
Lot 29: JMP Brickhouse 437G: UB10407780, DOB 1/17/19, Ultrablack
Brickhouse son out of a DMR Coronado daughter, Growth & Production bull, Top 15% WW & YW, 20% TI
Lot 30: JMP Three D 504G2: R10407784 , 1/25/19
Sired by a Three D son out of Coronado daughter, Calving ease with growth, Top 12% CED, 30% BW, 35% WW
Lot 31: JMP North Star 782G2: R10408698, 2/25/19
Sired by Csonka son, A growth & Production bull
Lot 32: JMP Empire 240G2: R10431908, 9/27/19
Sired by DMR Empire and out of a Troubadour daughter, Growth bull, Top 15% WW.
Lot 33: JMP Empire 596G4: R10431949, 9/30/19
Sired by DMR Empire and out of a Troubadour daughter, Growth bull, Top 15% WW.
Lot 34: MB NEVER SURRENDER 17G18: R10430597, DOB 2/7/19
Never Surrender son out of the Great Basin daughter with outstanding growth maternal & carcass, Top 4% Milk TM & Heifer Preg., 10% REA & Fert Index, 15% WW YW & Term Index.
Lot 35: MB NEVER SURRENDER 17G8: R10416429, DOB 4/21/19
Never Surrender son out of the New Direction daughter, with outstanding growth maternal & carcass, Top 1% YW TM & REA, 2 % WW 3 % Term Index, 15% Milk Heifer Preg. & Fret Index.
Lot 36: MB CLIFTON 129G15: R10416416, DOB 4/29/19
Brave 000D son out of a Yellowstone daughter, Great carcass with lost of growth and maternal, Top 10% IMF, 15% Heifer Preg., 20% REA Term Index & Fert Index
Lot 37: MB 129E BIG TOWN 129G18: R10416417, DOB 5/11/19
Sired by a Big Town son out of a Three D daughter, Outstanding growth with great carcass & maternal, Top 10% WW, 15% YW IMF Heifer Preg. & Term Index, 20% TM.
Lot 38: MB Cordell 20F: R10412915, DOB 10/25/18
Stems back to Lead Gun Of Brinks on top and bottom, Calving ease bull with outstanding growth and great maternal, Top 10% YW & Heifer Preg, 15% WW & TM, 20% CED & Term Index.
Lot 39: MB QUARRY 129G6: R10416445, DOB 3/22/19
Oaks Quarry son out of a Game Changer daughter, Outstanding growth carcass & maternal, Top 2% TM, 4% WW, 5% YW, 15% Milk & IMF
Lot 40: MB MCCLELLAN 329G18: R10427656, DOB 2/13/19
Yosemite grandson out of a Lead Gun daughter, with balanced EPD’s.
Brangus Bulls Sold March 28, 2020
Lot 22: MB J Edger Hoover 1912F7: UB10413975, DOB 9/13/18
BW , Adj. WW 779, Adj YW 1134
Ultrablack Bull, Embryo Transfer (ET) Flush mate (Full Brother) to Lot 23,
Heifer bull, Top 20% CED, 15% IMF, 2% SC
Lot 23: MB J Edger Hoover 1912F10: UB10413977, DOB 9/13/18,
BW , Adj. WW 755, Adj YW 1177
Ultrablack Bull, Embryo Transfer (ET) Flush mate (Full Brother) to Lot 22,
Heifer bull, Top 20% CED, 15% IMF, 2% SC, 5.124 on IMF
Lot 24: MB EL Toro 27F: R10405069, DOB 2/26/18
BW 77, Adj WW 547
1/2 Brother to Lot 26
Top 20% Total Maternal, 25% WW & YW
Lot 25: MB Quarry 228F: R10405132, DOB 4/5/18
BW 71, Adj WW 543, Adj YW 979
Breed average BW, Top 20% WW, 15% YW, 25% TM
Lot 26: MB EL Toro 449: R10405034, DOB 4/30/18
BW 66, Adj WW 528, Adj YW 1007
1/2 Brother to Lot 24
Heifer bull, Top 25% CED WW YW TM & SC
Lot 27: MB Clifton 75F: R10405141, DOB 2/15/18
BW 62, Adj WW 584, Adj YW 1007, Heifer bull
1/2 Brother to Lot 29
Lot 28: MB Alanta 000F4: R10404994, DOB 2/1/9/18
BW 69, Adj WW 549, Adj YW 1087
Lot 29: MB Clifton 129F31: R10405021, DOB 4/25/18
BW 77
Great Growth and maternal, Top 10% TM, 15% WW, 20% YW Milk SC & Heifer Preg.
1/2 Brother to Lot 27
Lot 30: MB Revelation 541E92: R10390812, DOB 12/31/17
BW 78, Adj WW 669, Adj YW 1076
Outstanding growth bull with good carcass and maternal, Top 2% WW YW & TM, 4% SC & TI,
Lot 31: SAU 811M: R10405129, DOB
BW 70, Adj WW 515, Adj YW 839
Calving ease bull, -1.6 BW EPD Top 10% of breed, Top 20% CED.
Lot 32: SAU 812M: R10405113, DOB
BW 74, Adj WW 559, Adj YW 966
1/2 brother to Lot 33
Calving ease bull with good maternal EPD’s.
Lot 33: SAU 813M: R10405114, DOB
BW 76, Adj WW 624, Adj YW 1084
1/2 brother to Lot 32
Growth bull with good maternal EPD’s.
Brangus Bulls Sold March 23, 2019
Lot 21: SAU 704L, R10389787, DOB 1/24/17
BW 78, Adj WW 645, Adj YW 950
Lot 22: SAU 705L, R10389788, DOB 1/25/17
BW 60, Adj WW 622, Adj YW 981
Lot 23: SAU 723L, R10389790, DOB 2/9/17
BW 65, Adj WW 630, Adj YW 945
Sired by DMR The Chairman 415A11
Lot 24: SAU 727L, R10389793, DOB 2/11/17
BW 70, Adj WW 629, Adj YW 954
Sired by DMR The Chairman 415A11
Lot 25: MB Big Town 17E16, R10379138, DOB 4/17/17
BW 72, Adj WW 515, Adj YW 967
Embryo transfer calf out of a half sister to Yosemite, Low birthweight bull could use on heifers, Excellent carcass traits.
Lot 26: MB Atlanta 17E10, R10362825, DOB 4/14/17
BW 75, Adj WW 639, Adj YW 1099
Low birthweight high growth bull with excellent carcass traits, Dam is 17RS the dam of Yellowstone & Yosemite.
Lot 27: MB Atlanta 17E6, R10362822, DOB 4/10/17
BW 73, Adj WW 698, Adj YW 1125
Low birthweight high growth bull, Big scrotal, Can use on heifers, Flush mate to 17E10.
Lot 28: MB Marshall 15E3 B, R10362739, DOB 3/29/17
BW 86, Adj WW 708, Adj YW 1151
This bull is the grandson of MB Great Basin 329Y5, He is a powerful specimen, A lot of carcass merit.
Lot 29: MB Yosemite 803E, BP10362766, DOB 5/17/17, Brangus Premium Gold
BW 72, Adj WW 666, Adj YW 1106
Low birthweight bull out of a 1/2 blood cow, Another Miller bull with excellent carcass traits, His dam has a 363 calving interval.
Lot 30: MB Yosemite 129E15, R10362755, DOB 4/27/17
BW 83, Adj WW 566, Adj YW 936
Good solid bull with good hips, His dam has a 375 day calving interval.
Lot 31: MB Yosemite 99E9, R10362787, DOB 4/10/17
BW 71, Adj WW 533, Adj YW 936
Low birthweight Yosemite son moderate, Plenty of bone with a lot of milk & a big hip, can be used on heifers, His dam has been a donor for Miller Brangus.
Lot 32: MB McCellean 000E15, R10362789, DOB 4/15/17
BW 75, Adj WW 615, Adj YW 1062
Clean made low birthweight bull McCellean is a Yosemite son Miller Brangus use.
Check back for updated 2019 Bull information!
Brangus Bulls Sold March 24, 2018
Lot 29 – SAU 603K, R10347769, DOB 2/1/16
BW 72, WW 516, YW 1015
Lot 30 – SAU 605K, R10347771, DOB 2/3/16
BW 69, WW 480, YW 960
Lot 31 – SAU 609K, R10347775, DOB 2/16/16
BW 74, WW 555, YW 1110
Lot 32 – SAU 614K R10347787, DOB 3/16/16
BW 77, WW 512, YW 980
Lot 33 – SAU 624K, R10347784, DOB 3/30/16
BW 64, WW512, YW 980
Lot 34 – SAU 628K, R10347785, DOB 3/17/16
BW 76, WW 589, YW 1090
Contact Luke Mobley for information on Brangus bulls
Arkansas Bull Sale Brangus bulls sold in 2017
Lot 30 – SAU 504J, R10332922, DOB 2/27/15, BW 77, Adj WW 776
Lot 31 – SAU 507J, R10332923, DOB 3/3/15. BW 77, Adj WW 640
Lot 29 – SAU 512J, R10332927, DOB 2/16/15, BW 83, Adj WW 710
Lot 32 – SAU 511J, R10332926, DOB 3/7/15, BW 78, Adj WW 660