Santa Gertrudis Bulls consigned to the Arkansas Spring Multi-Breed Bull Sale
March 25, 2023 • 12:00 noon
Contact Luke Mobley for information on Santa Gertrudis bulls
2020 Bull that sold!
Lot 51: Fc 45/7: Reg # 20176269, 1/2 SG – 1/2 RA, DOB 11/8/17
BW 80, Adj WW 628
Top 10% Fat, 20% WW & YW
Moderate deep body bull that should sire excellent calves
OUT: Lot 52: FC 34/8: Reg # 20182347, 3/4 SG – 1/4 SH, DOB 4/20/18
BW 81, Adj WW 651, Adj YW 982
top 10% WW & YW, 15% Milk
3/4 Santa Gertrudis with 1/4 Shorthorn, Dark red thick made with good bone